for those who love the outdoors

15 May, 2024


Wild Swimming - what clothing and equipment you will need

Wild swimming is a popular pastime but it can be tricky to know where to start gaining the knowledge and confidence to begin.

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You don’t need much in the way of clothing to try swimming - you actually need very little. You can go swimming in your pants if you want to! 

The essentials are a costume/trunks or wetsuit, towel and aqua shoes or old trainers if the ground is muddy/stony. 

You will also want a big hoodie or dressing gown to stay warm in afterwards, and comfy dry clothing. For me personally fluffy socks are a must! The safest way to rewarm after cold water swimming is to dry off and remove your wet clothes as soon as possible. 

Here are a few extra things you might want to get if you decide to take it up regularly. A bobble hat or swim cap, goggles, neoprene shoes/socks, neoprene gloves and a rash vest. Wear a brightly coloured swim hat if swimming anywhere with boat traffic or other people around. 

You may also want to invest in a change robe. This can help with getting changed and drying you at the same time. There are several brands available.

Period swimwear is something else to consider – it feels just like normal swimwear but with an ultra absorbent liner. You can wear the leak-proof swimwear underneath others or on its own. Every period costume replaces 200 disposables in its lifetime, so you can save money and the planet.


Some equipment which is helpful for wild swimming is a buoy/tow float, thermometer, hot water bottle, cup and flask, waterproof phone holder, underwater camera, hand warmers and goggles.

Tow floats are useful to cling onto if anything was to go wrong in the water, such as a heart attack. They are also useful for taking your stuff from A to B or taking your car keys. Also if you’re anywhere near boat traffic or rowers, to make yourself as visible as possible.

Always stay safe in the water, go with a buddy if you can and make sure you have researched safety, weather, tides and more. Have fun!

Natasha Sones

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I have an outdoor adventures blog. Having three children, I am particularly interested in getting outside with my family. I aim to make every day an adventure, especially with my children, husband, dogs and friends. From exploring new cities to being in our campervan with the dogs, we like an adventure. We live near the sea and forest and explore every day.

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