for those who love the outdoors

26 June, 2023


Let’s go forest bathing – Part 9 – Discover Your Sixth Sense

Nigel is the founder of REROOT YOURSELF™ - a detailed look at the science behind nature and wellness, helping busy people with limited time tap into the art of forest bathing and the healing power of nature.

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Throughout June I’ll be sharing tips and insights on how to Forest Bathe exclusively on 9KM BY 9AM and the Outside & Active website.

A 30-minute forest bathe once or twice a week will help you slow down. It will bring you into the present moment and de-stress
and relax you.

Forest Bathing - Discover Your Sixth Sense

Opening your five senses to nature is the secret to forest bathing. And by opening all five senses we access the sixth sense…

The sixth sense is like a sense of happiness. It’s a feeling of wonder, excitement, transcendence, even ecstasy. Lots of studies show that the greater the scenic beauty, the happier we feel.

When we connect to nature with all our senses, the magic happens, and our lives can be transformed.

- Reduces blood pressure

- Decreases inflammation

- Lowers blood sugar levels

- Lowers heart rate

- Improve cardio vascular and metabolic health

- Improves pain thresholds

- Leads to weight loss

- Improves energy

- Lowers stress

- lowers cortisol levels (Japanese studies say by up to 16%)

- Improves concentration and memory / Increases ability to focus

- Makes us more generous, grateful and compassionate

- Lifts depression / Improves mood

- Boosts immune system NK cells increase / Increase anti-cancer protein production

- Acts as a catalyst for creativity

But it’s more than that…

Go to the forest, the woods, the park your garden. Open your five senses. Realise that you are connecting to something larger than yourself. Forest bathing and Rerouting Yourself make you part of the bigger universe. Tap into the power of who you really are.

“I” & “WE”…
The difference between Illness & Wellness is “I” & “WE”…through connecting to nature & Rerooting Yourself…. you move from a suffering self-focus to being part of the whole.

In the words of the poet Li Po “The birds have vanished in the sky, and now the last cloud drains away. We sit together, mountain and I, until only the mountain remains.”

Nature takes our breath away and breathes new life into us - when you can feel this joy in nature you are truly forest bathing.

My book, Walking Back To Happiness: The Secret To Alcohol-Free Living & Well-Being and my coaching course Reroot Yourself shows how you can massively improve your mental and physical well-being, through re-connecting or rerooting with the natural world, walking outdoors, watching sunrises, forest bathing and being more mindful about the changes in nature that are happening all around you.


#forest-bathing #forestbathing #forestbathingtherapy #shinrinyoku #quitdrinking #alcoholfree #sobercurious #mindfulnes#walkingbacktohappiness #reroot #rerootyourself #nomudnolotus #purpose #menshealth #menshealth #over50 #9kmby9am


Indian Yoga Guru, Swami Satchidananda described the difference between ‘illness’ and ‘wellness’.

Swami is famous for lots of things, including giving the opening address at Woodstock in 1969!

He wrote down both words and circled the ‘I’ of illness and the ‘WE’ of wellness. “That is the difference”, he said. “It’s ‘I’, the separate self, and that experience of ‘we’, that sense of collectivity that really brings us home to our belonging. Our healing comes when we start enlarging our sense of what we are to that sense of community.”

By using the healing power of nature you can shift your sense of who you are and massively improve both your mental and physical well-being. By opening your senses through mindfulness and forest bathing techniques you can connect with a greater power.

The ‘I’ starts to shift to ‘WE’.


Nigel Jones


Founder of the health and wellness channel 9KM BY 9AM.

Author of Walking Back To Happiness” The Secret To Alcohol-free Living & Well-being.

Certified Positive Psychology & NLP Coach - with the internationally recognised, double accredited, International Coaching Federation and Association for Coaching, AreteWay Coaching Course.

Founder of REROOT YOURSELF™ - a detailed look at the science behind nature and wellness. Helping busy people with limited time tap into the art of forest bathing and the healing power of nature. A group masterclass / workshop – designed for organisations and businesses to help improve the mental health and wealth of employees.

Nigel holds a Diploma (Distinction) in Shinrin Yoku (Forest Bathing). Is trained in the Power Of Awareness, University of California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and the Awareness Training Institute.

Nigel shares with us is Lived Experience of over 700 walks in nature - walking 9 kilometres before 9 o’clock every day since May 2021. Highlights include:

  • The power of being present at every sunrise for the past 21 months
  • Insights into his meditation processes and techniques
  • What he saw and learned on over 6,000 kilometres (equivalent of 150 marathons) of walks in the forest, mountains and coastal areas of the UK
  • How you can benefit from these insights

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