for those who love the outdoors

17 May, 2024


From Beach Days to Mountain Hikes: Outdoor Adventures with Your Dog

Exploring the great outdoors with your dog is a fantastic way to bond and keep both of you active. You can find suitable activities for any breed, whether splashing in the surf at the beach, trekking through scenic hiking trails, or scaling mountain peaks. Therefore, this article explores the best outdoor activities, providing tips and safety advice to ensure a fun and memorable experience.

Woman Walking Dog

Image by Oscar from Pixabay

Best Outdoor Activities with Your Dog

When planning outdoor adventures with your dog, consider their breed, as it greatly influences their suitability for different activities. For example, high-energy breeds like Border Collies or Huskies may excel in rigorous pursuits such as hiking, mountain climbing, and trail running. In contrast, breeds with lower energy levels or brachycephalic breeds (e.g., Bulldogs, Pugs) might prefer more moderate activities like beach play or camping.

Additionally, always account for your dog's size, age, and health conditions to ensure the chosen activities are safe and enjoyable for both of you.

Before embarking on a road trip to your outdoor adventure, make your dog familiar with car travel by taking shorter trips to acclimate them to the vehicle. Ensure their comfort with a secure, well-ventilated carrier or a pet seat belt harness. Further, plan frequent breaks to allow your dog to stretch, relieve themselves, and stay hydrated, making the journey pleasant and stress-free for both of you.

The following are some of the most exciting activities you can try with your dog:

Beach Play

It offers excellent exercise and mental stimulation for dogs. Activities like fetch, frisbee, and swimming provide vigorous workouts, and digging in the sand satisfies instincts and curiosity. Watch out for hazards such as sharp objects and hot sand, and follow local leash rules to keep your dog and others safe.


Hiking offers excellent physical exercise for both of you and provides mental stimulation through new sights, smells, and sounds. Choose dog-friendly trails that match your dog’s fitness level. Essential gear includes proper footwear, hydration packs, portable bowls, and a first aid kit. In addition, practice good trail etiquette by following leash laws, respecting other hikers, and cleaning up after your dog.

Mountain Climbing

Begin training and conditioning your dog with shorter, less strenuous hikes. In addition, pack essential equipment, including harnesses, climbing gear, and protective items like paw pads and jackets. Prioritize safety by checking weather conditions before your climb, monitoring your dog for signs of fatigue or distress, and knowing when to turn back if conditions become unsafe.


Camping with your dog offers numerous benefits, including strengthening your bond and providing new experiences for both of you. To ensure a successful trip, bring essential camping gear for your dog, such as a tent, sleeping bags, food, water, and toys. Keep your dog comfortable with a cozy sleeping area.

Canoeing and Kayaking

Start by training your dog to be comfortable in a canoe or kayak, beginning with short, calm water sessions and gradually increasing the duration. Familiarity with the boat and water environment will help your dog feel secure, making the adventure enjoyable and safe.

Trail Running

Trail running is perfect for high-energy dogs, providing vigorous exercise and mental stimulation. Choose suitable trails that match your dog’s fitness level and consider the terrain's difficulty. You can begin with short runs, gradually increasing distance and pace to train and condition your dog. Ensure your dog stays hydrated and take breaks as needed. Protective gear for paws, such as booties, can prevent injuries on rough terrain.

Snow Adventures

Winter activities like snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and playing in the snow offer great fun for dogs. Equip your dog with cold-weather gear, including jackets and booties, to keep them warm and protect their paws. On top of that, watch for signs of hypothermia, such as shivering or lethargy, and avoid salt-treated roads, which can irritate paws.


Use bike leashes or bike trailers to include your dog in your adventures safely. Begin by training your dog to run alongside the bike at a slow pace, gradually increasing speed as they become more comfortable. Ensure safety by maintaining an appropriate speed, taking frequent breaks, and keeping your dog hydrated.

Which of these activities do you think is perfect for your furry friend?


Planning outdoor adventures with your dog requires careful consideration of their breed, needs, and physical capabilities. Choose activities that match their energy level and health, and ensure they are well-prepared and comfortable. You also need to invest in proper gear for the specific activity. Additionally, preparing for the journey, especially car travel, can reduce stress and ensure safety.

Outside & Active

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Outside & Active is the home for those who love the outdoors. Our mission is to inspire, inform and educate people about being active outdoors in a fun, safe and sustainable way. We provide inspiration, kit, tech and advice on adventure, camping, climbing, cycling, hiking, running water and winter.

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