for those who love the outdoors

25 June, 2023


Three outdoor activities you can do with a pet

Pets have an innate ability to bring endless joy to their owner’s life, and can be a great source of mental health support.

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On top of that, certain animals can also double up as excellent personal trainers, by encouraging their human carer to get out and about more often. In fact, 65% of pet owners reported that welcoming an animal into their home has improved their physical health.

While lots of different pets have an adventurous spirit, dogs are arguably the most versatile and sociable animal when it comes to exploring outside with human accompaniment. So, in this post, we explore three ways you and your pooch can spend more time outdoors to give both of your minds and bodies a boost.

Go on a road trip

If you and your canine companion are feeling particularly adventurous, why not embark on a road trip together? Pack your car up with all the necessary equipment and home comforts you’ll need, and head out on the open road to discover entirely new destinations with your dog by your side.

Whether you venture to the coast and beaches or head on a camping trip to the countryside, exploring the great outdoors with your pup can be a truly rewarding experience. But in order to get the most from your trip, and to avoid any hiccups, it’s important to properly prepare yourself and your furry friend for the journey ahead.

Most importantly, you will want to make sure that they’re comfortable going on long drives. Before embarking on your adventure, take your dog out on a few shorter trips to acclimatise them with being in a moving car. If your passenger is unsettled, not only will it be extremely distressing for them, but they’re also likely to leave a bit of a mess.

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Summer fun in the garden

Back in more familiar surroundings, there are plenty of ways you and your dog can enjoy some bonding time without straying from the comfort of your home. Especially in the summertime, as the weather starts to improve and the days get longer, getting out in the garden with your dog will provide you both with many benefits.

When temperatures start to rise, playing around with water is a great way to get in some daily exercise while also keeping your dog cool. They will love making a splash in a paddling pool, or simply running through a sprinkler can provide endless entertainment. If you have the time, you could go one step further and set up a dog-friendly obstacle course for your four-legged friend – much of which can be created using items found around the house or in nature.

Head out on a hike

Providing the breed of your dog is receptive to long walks across potentially tricky terrain, going on a hiking adventure is an excellent outdoor activity option. Whether you venture further afield or just hike in your local area is down to you – either way, mapping out a route and completing it together will be good for you both.

But, even if your dog is a type that’s happy to go on a long trek, it’s important that you’re aware of their limits, since pushing them too far physically can be dangerous for their health. Be sure to also familiarise yourself with hiking etiquette when walking with a dog, and make sure they’re prepared for whatever weather conditions you’re likely to encounter along the way.

Getting around with your hound

As we’ve explored, there are so many ways to enjoy Mother Nature with your dog. The most important thing is to find an activity that you both enjoy; this way, you can use your outdoor time as a bonding experience, whilst also reaping the health benefits that come with spending more time in nature.

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Outside & Active is the home for those who love the outdoors. Our mission is to inspire, inform and educate people about being active outdoors in a fun, safe and sustainable way. We provide inspiration, kit, tech and advice on adventure, camping, climbing, cycling, hiking, running water and winter.

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