for those who love the outdoors

5 January, 2023


Top 10 supplements every outdoor enthusiast should include in their diet

As an outdoor enthusiast, you know the importance of a balanced and healthy diet. However, some essential nutrients may be taken from other than regular food sources. That's why it's important to include supplements in your diet.

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This article will discuss the top 10 supplements every outdoor enthusiast should use in their diet. We'll also explain why these supplements are important for optimal performance and health. So whether you're into hiking, camping, street workout, fishing, or any other outdoor activity, make sure you're aware of the importance of supplements and include them in your diet!

Why do we need supplements?

Sometimes, the foods we eat lack all the nutrients our bodies need. That's why we need to take supplements. Supplements help us get enough of the important nutrients that regular food does not provide. These nutrients can help our bodies function optimally, assist in metabolizing and transporting energy, and provide antioxidant protection.

Here is a list of the top 10 supplements every outdoor enthusiast should consider taking:

1. Vitamin D – Vitamin D helps protect against bone loss and fractures due to its ability to regulate calcium absorption. It's also important for healthy muscle function and energy levels. Sunlight is one of the best ways to get vitamin D but if you are not a daily person, consider taking a supplement daily.

2. Iron – Iron plays a role in many of your body’s essential processes, such as transporting oxygen to your muscles. Without enough iron, you can quickly become fatigued due to low energy levels and muscle fatigue. Foods like beans, spinach, and red meat are excellent sources of iron but if those aren't available, consider taking a daily supplement.

3. Magnesium – Magnesium helps regulate blood sugar levels and support healthy nerve function. It's also important for maintaining strong bones and teeth. The best food sources of magnesium include dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and whole grains; however, supplements can help keep your magnesium intake up to par!

4. Calcium – Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth, as well as for healthy muscle and nerve function. Dairy products are a great source of calcium, but if you don't get enough from your diet, a supplement can be an easy way to ensure you're getting the required amount.

5. Zinc – Zinc is important for strengthening the immune system and speeding up the healing process of wounds and injuries. Oysters, beef, chickpeas, and nuts are all excellent sources of zinc. If those aren't available, consider taking a daily supplement to help ensure optimal performance during outdoor activities.

6. Vitamin B12 – Vitamin B12 helps regulate energy levels and supports strong bones by aiding in calcium absorption. It's found primarily in animal foods, so a supplement can help keep your B12 levels up if you don't eat much of them.

7. Vitamin C – Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin and connective tissues and plays an important role in the body’s healing process. Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C but if that isn't an option, consider taking a supplement to ensure optimal outdoor performance.

8. Omega-3 Oil – Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for a healthy heart and brain, as well as for proper cell function. They are also vital for maintaining joint health and can help reduce inflammation caused by strenuous outdoor activities.

Wild Alaskan salmon, flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, sardines, and mackerel are all excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids; however, a supplement can be helpful in making sure you're getting adequate amounts.

Not only does Omega 3 oil help improve cardiovascular health, but also supports healthy skin and hair. Additionally, omega-3s can help improve focus and cognitive performance so you can stay alert during long days outdoors.

9. Probiotics – Probiotics help support healthy digestion and improve the absorption of essential nutrients from food sources. Foods like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, and miso are all great sources of probiotics but if those aren't available to you on a regular basis, consider taking a daily supplement for optimal performance.

10. Protein – Protein is important for building muscle mass and repairing tissue damage caused by intense activity or injury. The best food sources are lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts; however, supplements can help maintain adequate protein levels.

Why are they important?

These supplements are important for optimal performance and health because they provide the body with essential nutrients that can help improve physical and mental performance. For example, iron helps transport oxygen to muscles; calcium supports strong bones and teeth; zinc strengthens the immune system; Vitamin B12 regulates energy levels; Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin and connective tissues, while omega-3 oil can reduce inflammation caused by strenuous outdoor activities.

Additionally, probiotics help support healthy digestion, while protein is needed to build muscle mass and repair tissue damage.

Altogether, these supplements can be very beneficial in helping maintain optimal physical and mental performance when participating in outdoor activities or sports.

How to incorporate these supplements into your daily routine

  • Start small – Try adding one supplement to your daily routine at a time, so that you can slowly adjust and monitor any changes in diet or performance.
  • Talk with your doctor – Discuss the supplements you’re considering taking with your healthcare provider to ensure they are right for you and won’t interfere with any other medications or treatments you may be taking.
  • Choose quality ingredients – Make sure that whatever supplement brand you choose uses pure and natural ingredients without any artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners.
  • Read labels carefully - Look for information about dosage recommendations as well as potential side effects of each supplement before using them on a regular basis.
  • Consider timing - Some supplements work best when taken at specific times of day; it’s important to read the packaging instructions closely to ensure the optimal effectiveness of the product when taken regularly over time.


Incorporating these supplements into your daily routine can help you maintain optimal physical and mental performance when participating in outdoor activities or sports.

However, it’s important to remember that a balanced diet is still the cornerstone of good health and should be the foundation for any supplement regimen. Eating foods rich in essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber will ensure that your body has all of the nutrients required to stay healthy while outdoors.

Combining a nutritious diet with quality supplements as needed allows you to enjoy maximum benefits from both so that you are always prepared for whatever adventures come your way!

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Kirsten Thomas

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Kirsten Thomas is a fitness and sports enthusiast who loves to travel and is passionate. Her next goals include being an event speaker for women who are successful in the health and wellness industry and writing her own book.

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